The rhythm of the primo-injections stagnates to its lowest level for almost a year and room for maneuver to convince the 6 million unvaccinated adults now appear limited.
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There are refractories, the “antivax”, the people who are afraid or whoever hesitate … While France has reached a high level of vaccination against CVIV-19, with more than 90% of the eligible population (12 years and over) received at least one dose in December, nearly 78% of the total population, about six million eligible French are not vaccinated.
At the time when the calling campaign is in full swing, the figure of the non-vaccinated more than very slowly, for two months, except for a very light rebound in late November, after the announcement of the opening to the entire major population of the extra dose. The new injections stagnate below the 30,000 per day since mid-October, and even dropped to 20,000 doses in December. Be a rhythm that has never been so low, except in the first days of the campaign, almost a year ago.
Since the 50 million vaccinated bar has been crossed in mid-September, the government is careful not to display a new encrypted objective in terms of Primovaccination. No question, however, to give up, ensures to the Ministry of Health, where we insist on the continuation of the operations of “going towards” to reach these audiences, or on the “priority queue”, open to no -Facinate in the vaccination centers. The new primo-injections represent “100,000 to 200,000 people a week, it is not nothing, it is the equivalent of a medium city that we arrive to scrap”, are we pointing with a street finger from Ségur.
- What is the profile of unvaccinated people?
If you put a magnifying glass on the map of France, several fractures appeared along the campaign confirms. In addition to the ultramarine territories, which accuse the strongest delays in metropolis, the southeast is distinguished by a lower level of vaccination than in the rest of the country. And more broadly the territories located south of a diagonal from the Haut-Rhin to Ariège, according to the data by health insurance department, arrested on December 5th.
At the finest intercommunalities, another grid is needed: the disadvantaged neighborhoods of large cities remain leading the less vaccinated territories. North Marseille neighborhoods of 14 E and 16 e arrondissements; Dugny, Clichy-sous-Bois, Villeante, Stains … in Ile-de-France; In the Rhone, Saint-Fons, Vaulx-en-Velin or Vénissieux. At least 30% of the population remains “vaccinated” in these communes – up to 44% in North Marseille neighborhoods. Some remote rural territories, with a smaller number of inhabitants, are also strongly behind, as the community of communes of Diois, in the Drôme, or that of Geneva, in Haute-Savoie.
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