Crisis of Justice: Operation Eric DuPond-Moretti Demining

The seal guard held an exceptional press conference on Monday, two days before the action day of magistrates and clerks to claim more means.


The wave of indignation that rose in a few weeks among the magistrates and the clerks on their working conditions does not deflate. Six out of ten magistrates now signed the tribune published on November 23 by Le Monde denouncing “a justice that does not listen and who stops everything”. Seventeen trade union organizations call for a day of protest Wednesday, December 15 in the jurisdictions and, in Paris, to a demonstration before the Ministry of Economy and Finance to protest against the lack of means of justice. Faced with this movement, Eric Dupond-Moretti launched, on Monday, December 13, in a defense operation of the five-year balance.

The Minister of Justice organized, Place Vendôme, a press conference, the first for fifteen months, with plethora of figures in support to demonstrate how the means of justice have been strengthened since 2017. “Hears the misfortune expressed by some”, Mr. Dupond-Moretti warns of “the hindsights” and “instrumentalization temptations in a pre-election context”.

“Decades” ” renunciations

But the numbers are there, and the Minister of Justice can make the advantageous comparison with the five-year fifteen of Nicolas Sarkozy (2007-2012) and François Hollande (2012-2017). The number of magistrate has increased in France from 72 under the first, 116 under the second, while they are today 9,285, 757 more than in September 2007. In reality, to compensate for departures to the departures. Retirement, the promotions received at the National School of the Judiciary (ENM) were considerably expanded in 2015, since the formation of a court listener is thirty-one month.

The minister has announced, Monday, having reassembled 380 the number of auditors who will be recruited in 2022 at the entrance examination at ENM, a record, compared to 336 in this year. And for a magistrate surplus arrives in jurisdiction from 2023, the complementary competition open to people over the age of 35 already having professional experience will be expanded in 2022. As for the number of clerks, they are still marked by a vacancy rate. Important 6%, not counting sick leave.

Spring with the self-satisfaction with which Mr. Dupond-Moretti had defended the record increase of the justice budget for 2022 (+ 8%), he once insisted on the road traveled without minimizing “what remains to be done ” But he disders his responsibility in the current crisis of justice.

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/Media reports.