The proposed primary launched Wednesday by Anne Hidalgo has still received no positive response from its main competitors, while Christiane Taubira hesitate to throw. The union seems out of reach.
In and
“I assure you. At left, everyone talks to find a solution. Why not a government contract? But we will not say anything to reporters as this is the best way for it does not work.” François Lamy smiled and calmly lit a cigarillo second before the metal door of the gym Gilbert Schultz of Laon. Former Minister for the City of Francois Hollande and former political advisor to Martine Aubry, has become, in recent weeks, that of Yannick Jadot, ecologist candidate for the 2022 presidential election a useful position to understand the issue of the moment to the left. While it remains enigmatic: “You are too pressed left, the union has never made overnight must allow time to time…”

inside the said gym, this Saturday, December 11, there is a meeting of Yannick Jadot. There are activists sat round on cardboard cube and in the middle, a violinist who plays classical music in a cathedral silence, before leaving the floor to the candidate. A bare frame, a soloist and a round cardboard, it might look surreal enough to launch, reportedly on the ground running, the first major event of his campaign. But in fact, for three days and a Wednesday, December 8, everything became surreal left
That night, Anne Hidalgo has proposed, on the set of “20 hours” of TF1, to the surprise and after an incredible day, organize a primary citizen to unify the camp living Stations of the cross in the polls. She probably made its decision on the train that was taking him that morning, at La Rochelle for a field trip, but it descended in Poitiers to return illico in Paris. On a whim ? A stroke? A shot of blues ? The mystery of this railway turnaround remains unclear. “I have zero explanation. I stopped trying to understand,” concludes François Lamy. Who knows ? Wednesday may mark a fateful moment in the history of the left. We’ll know later.
“The mistigri of unity”
Anyway, aside Arnaud Montebourg, who defended a similar position a few hours before that of the mayor of Paris, applicants, Yannick Jadot to Insoumis Mélenchon through the Communist Fabien Roussel rejected, suddenly, the idea of the socialist candidate. And since that famous Wednesday, was invited, in the words of key stakeholders, a sequence of “wheeling” intense left. “Wheeling” means, according to them, that under the blur that governs a given political situation, each player is at a loss to fix the outcome and know what to do in the meantime. Everybody phone. Everyone is bluffing to try to glean information or give some substance to a rumor obsolescence very programmed. Everyone develops his little more or less evanescent theory.
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