Published The release of a UNIX-like operating system Toaruos 2.0 written from scratch and supplied with your core, loader, standard SI library, batch manager, user space components and graphical interface with composite window manager. The project code is written in the Si language and spreads under a BSD license. To download Live image , 14.4 MB, which can be tested in QEMU , VMware or VirtualBox.

The project started in 2010 in Illinois University and first developed as research work in the field of creating new composite graphical interfaces. Since 2012, the development has been transformed into the TOARUOS operating system developed by the community concerned. In the current form, the system is equipped with Composite window manager , supports dynamically binding executable files in ELF format, multitasking, graphic stack can perform Python 3 and GCC.
The basis of the TOARUOS is a kernel using a hybrid modular architecture that combines the monolithic basis and tools for using downloadable modules, in the form of which the most available device drivers, such as disk drivers (PATA and ATAPI), FS EXT2 and ISO9660, FRAMEBUFFER, Keyboards, mice, network cards (AMD PCNet Fast, Realtek RTL8139 and Intel Pro / 1000), audio chips (Intel AC’97), as well as VirtualBox add-ons for guest systems. The core supports UNIX streams, TTY, virtual FS, pseudo-fs / proc, multithreading, IPC, Ramdisk, Ptrace, shared memory, multitasking and other type capabilities.
EXT2 is used as a file system. The bootloader supports BIOS and EFI. The network stack allows you to use the BSD system sockets and supports network interfaces, including LOOPBACK. For TOARUOS, porting programs such as Vim, GCC, Binutils, Freetype, MUPDF, SDL, Cairo, Doom, Quake, Super Nintendo Emulator, BOCHS, etc. From its own applications highlights the VI Editor of the BIM code, which is used for the last few years to develop toaruos applications specific, such as file manager, terminal emulator, graphic panel with widget support, batch manager, and libraries to support images (PNG, JPEG ) and TrueType fonts.