WHO has published latest danger data of Omicron strain

Omicron-strain of a new coronavirus infection is capable of spread faster than a delta version, but the disease caused to them is moved easier. This is reported in Bulletin, which published the World Health Organization (WHO).

According to WHO, by December 9, cases of infection of Omicron-strain were identified in 63 countries of the world. He is ahead of the pace of distribution Option of Delta, and such a picture is observed in South Africa, where Delta met relatively rarely, and in the UK, where Delta was the dominant version of the coronavirus.

Preliminary data obtained in South Africa indicate that the infection of Omicron-strain less often leads to a severe course of the disease. All known cases of infection in the United States and Western Europe proceeded easily or without symptoms, there were no victims. WHO note that the information collected is not enough for the final conclusions about the danger of Omicron strain.

Apparently, the existing vaccines are worse prevent infection and the spread of Omicron strain. In this case, the effectiveness of PCR tests and antigen tests to identify a new coronavirus infection remained unchanged. The effectiveness of the treatment methods of COVID-19, developed to combat other options, as a rule, remained the same.

Earlier it was reported that the preliminary data received by scientists from the University of Hong Kong and the University of Hong Kong, indicate a 32-fold drop in the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine in the case of an infection of Omicron-strain. The results of testing the effectiveness of the “satellite V” against the Omicron strain will appear within ten days, the head of the NIC epidemiology and microbiology named after Gamalei Alexander Ginzburg.

/Media reports.