This measure, provided for by the law in limited cases, would aim to combat threats against certain police officers. The lawyers see it an abuse of procedure.
Tags aimed at “blue eyes” or “fatma”, police nicknames, discovered Monday in Fontenay-sous-Bois (Val-de-Marne); other registrations found in early November in Savigny-le-Temple (Seine-et-Marne); The names and surnames of a fifteen police officers from the anti-crime brigade (BAC) on the vigilous walls-sur-Seine (Essonne), mid-October: such threats have nothing new, but they tend to Multiply and worry more and more police officers. From Marseille to Paris, passing through Metz, Montpellier and Bayonne, in increasing numbers, they call for the generalization of anonymous minutes, a claim relayed by their unions that have been conducting a discreet lobbying for several months. Avouee: Change the law of February 2017.
Voted eight months after the assassination by an Islamist terrorist of Jean-Baptiste Salvaing, a 42-year-old police commissioner, and his companion, Jessica Schneider, administrative assistant in a police station in Magnanville (Yvelines), the text provides that police officers or gendarmes can write procedural acts without their identity. They suffice to inform their identity and organization repository (RIO), the individual “numbers” attributed to each member of the police.
This faculty, listed in Article 15-4 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, however, is strictly framed. It is first allowed only when the identification of the police officer or the police would be likely to make him run a risk threatening his physical integrity. In addition, the use of anonymity must be authorized and motivated by the hierarchical authority and the local parquet must be notified of this decision. Finally, the crime or the offense referred to in the proceedings must be punished by a sentence greater than three years of imprisonment. However, offenses less severely punished also fall within the scope of the law: in such a case, the authorization must be specially motivated by the hierarchical authority in the light of the circumstances of the Commission of the Facts or the personality of their authors.
“Too complicated and ineffective, esteem Frédéric Lagache, General Delegate of the Union of Police Alliance. Anyone questioned has access to his procedure. From there, it is not only easy to tag the name of the names Colleagues to intimidate them, but also to find them physically. “For several months, police have been invited to exercise caution on social networks. In this “anxiogenic climate”, says Lagache, it is “urgent to extend anonymization to all colleagues”, a measure “which must be coupled to increased severity in case of abuses to the police”.
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