project Yaos Develops a branch from the operating system A2 , also known as Bluebottle and Active Oberon. One of the main goals project – the cardinal introduction of the Russian language in the entire system, including (at least partial) translation of the source texts into Russian. Yaos can work as an application in a window under Linux or Windows, as well as a separate operating system on the X86 and ARM equipment (Zybo Z7-10 and Raspberry PI 2 are supported). The code is written in the language Active Oberon and distributed under a BSD license.
The project acts as the basis for the development of the ideas of Russian-language programming, improving the comfort of working with Cyrillic and Russian language, testing in practice of different approaches to the terminology issues and to the depths of translation. Unlike existing Russian-speaking programming languages, such as 1C, idol and verb, the project is aimed at providing the operating system entirely in Russian, in which it is translated including the loader code, kernel, compiler and drivers. In addition to Russification of the system among differences from A2 refer to Step-by-step debugger, crosspieration, work implementation of type SET64, elimination of errors and extension Documentation .
Used as the base operating system A2