Anné Hidalgo assistant heard by police

Hermano Sanches Ruivo is suspected of money laundering. In case of indicning, he will have to resign, announced the town hall on December 9th.


Anne Hidalgo went well from this case. In the full presidential campaign very laborious, and while its appeal to the organization of a primary of the left has just collected the refusal of the main leaders concerned, the socialist candidate must deal with the judicial setbacks of one of his deputies to The town hall of Paris, Hermano Sanches Ruivo. Heard by the police and suspected of money laundering, he will have to leave his duties if he is indicted, announced the town hall Thursday, December 9.

Everything left An article by Marianne evoking, Wednesday, the fact that an elected elected close to Anne Hidalgo would be” in delicacy with Justice “. The weekly quite quoted no name, and Anne Hidalgo’s team did not see any priori who could not be. But after investigation, the first indications appeared, and Thursday night, the town hall wanted to make public, in a statement, the elements it has.

The elected in question, Hermano Sanches Ruivo, is one of the 34 Anne Hidalgo deputies, and one of the most discreet. Aged 55, this native of Alcans (Portugal) was elected Councilor of Paris in 2008, then re-elected in 2014 and again in 2020 on the list of Anne Hidalgo. It has appointed it in the Deputy Fouter, responsible for issues related to Europe, its longtime specialty. According to his declaration of interest transmitted in February 2021 to the High Authority for the transparency of public life, he is not paid by the town hall, and has no other professional activity. His spouse is a consultant in communication.

Suspicions “No link with the exercise of the mandate”

What is he reproached to him? The City of Paris simply indicates that Hermano Sanches Ruivo has been heard by the police, at an unspecified date, as part of a survey open by the National Financial Prosecutorization. “The alleged facts, relating to suspicions of possible whitening tax fraud, seem unrelated to the exercise of his elected term”, points out the town hall.

However, Anne Hidalgo “decided to immediately seize the City Code of Ethics in order to proceed with the necessary verifications and to draw all the consequences,” says the statement. No question of giving the impression of the slightest lax on such a delicate ground. “In case of lodging of the person concerned, he will leave his duties without delay in the city,” adds the Town Hall. “It is abroad, but I just talked to him, and he was clearly warned that he will have to resign if the suspicions lead to an indictment, confirms Emmanuel Grégoire, the first assistant of Anne Hidalgo. is the rule at the town hall. “

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