Emmanuel Macron wants to put Europe at heart of his future campaign

The head of state who will give a press conference on this topic Thursday, intends to use its pro-European position as a political cleavage instrument in the presidential race 2022.

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Emmanuel Macron made it the “non-negotiable share” of his political thought, his “ideological combat”. Here it is now erected in campaign argument. Europe interferes in the presidential battle. At a time when the opponents of the Head of State are pleased to describe the President of the Republic in Chameleon without conviction, the tenant of the Elysée decided to impose one of his favorite themes in the debates of the moment. Without waiting for the January 1, when France will take, for six months, the Presidency of the Council of the European Union (EU), the Head of State will unveil, Thursday, December 9, At a press conference, the great European priorities that France will carry during its presidency.

You have to “build a Europe who can choose for herself, choose with whom to cooperate, with whom to break”, has already sketched Emmanuel Macron during his intervention for the twenty-five years of the Jacques Delors Institute at the theater From Odéon, Monday, December 6 in Paris. Determined to transform the EU, alliance primarily economic and commercial, into political power, the head of state should thus reiterate its wish to build a more sovereign and active Europe in the field of defense. It will also be necessary to evoke, while the migration question continues to divide the twenty-seven, a reform of the Schengen area of ​​free movement of goods and people.

For the rest, the Elysée has already, repeatedly, makes known his goals. In particular, it is question of advancing the idea of ​​a European minimum wage to put an end to tax dumping, to push the regulatory texts of digital platforms, and perhaps to bring the carbon tax at the borders – a taxation imposed on non-EU products respecting the European environmental criteria.

Political cleavage instrument

But, during a French Presidency of the European Union, called “Pfue”, interspersed by the presidential election of the 10th and 24th of April, difficult to imagine that Paris could turn the table. And beyond building expensive regulations in Brussels, the PFUE will especially seek to remind the French that “Europe is there to protect them”, explains an adviser to the President. “In this period I do not see why we would have a shameful Europe, but if we put forward the PFEU we must not have” the technical Europe “”, abounds Stanislas Guerini, General delegate of the presidential party, the Republic Marche (LRM).

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