Investigative Committee (SC) of Belarus asked Russia to extradite the administrator of extremist Telegram channels detained earlier in St. Petersburg. Information about this is published on the Office website.
Harvest Vitebsk administered three opposition telegram channels. Russian law enforcement officers detained it on November 1, 2021.
The department claims that a citizen of Belarus, acting with other persons, “collected and placed personal information in the channels, published communications in which appeals to seize state power, violent change in the constitutional system.”
About five articles of the Belarusian Criminal Code are excited against it, which are combined into one production. She faces up to 12 years of imprisonment.
previously it became known that the authorities of Belarus intend to prosecute to the criminal responsibility of Telegram channel subscribers recognized by extremist formations. This classification has recently received many opposition channels that actively covered protests in the country after the presidential election a year ago.
In July, the KGB of Belarus announced that he began a large-scale operation on stripping from “radically configured persons.” Departure of the Investigation Department Konstantin Bychek said that the identities of the participants of the “destructive chats” in Telegram, in which the recruitment and selection of potential youths for new mass riots and even acts of terrorism were established.