Installation of Cable-Filling Tower of Start Complex “Angara” began on East

At the starting complex for the High Chamber Heavy-class missile in the Amur region, specialists of the contracting organization “Industrial Technologies” under the control of the center of exploitation of land-based space infrastructure (Roscosmos State Corporation) began to install the reference device of cable The filling tower consisting of supports located on both sides of the gas reproducer.

To date, the first support is already installed in the design position. Installation of the second support is planned to be completed until the end of the year.

Cable-filling tower of the Cosmic Rocket Complex Amur on the Cosmodrome East is designed to accommodate equipment and communications, systems and assemblies of the starting complex, as well as to ensure the wind hold of the Angara rocket and access specialists to the carrier rocket service areas established on the launcher. Its height – 66 m and weight – about 3000 tons.

/Media reports.