Between supply voltage and reduced labor, pharmacies are struggling to absorb the explosion of screening application in full fifth wave. Difficulty earning the entire country, from the capital to rural areas.
In and
Before the Laquitinie pharmacy in the 13 th arrondissement of Paris, ten people conscientiously hidden waiting patiently beside a tent screening Covid-19 deserted. At lunchtime, almost everyone now go behind the counter to make a test antigen in the back room. In the heart of a fifth epidemic wave that is sweeping France and throughout Europe, pharmacists – and rapid tests – are at the forefront
In the massaged group before the automatic doors, many people reported cases contact and vaccinated. Justine and Matteo, 21, and want to ensure they have not been contaminated by their comrade. The case Covid-19 “explode everywhere” around them, confirms the young student in the school of physiotherapy.
In this epidemic resurgence Georges Dehhan pharmacist in the 15 th arrondissement, is the main explanation rebound screening. Because if the number of tests increases, “the number of positives too,” he notes. Between mid-August and early November, this small pharmacy boulevard Pasteur had recorded only two positive cases. Since November, “it’s three or four positive day, about fifteen daily tests” lists professional.
A magnitude confirmed by national figures tracking the epidemic. According Public Health France , the number of antigen tests and RT-PCR was performed jumped nearly 40% in late November, more than four million. Among them, an average of 37 000 new cases are confirmed every day, up from 50% in early December.
“national shortage” test
Even busy in the pharmacy of the Gare d’Austerlitz. In ten patients engulfed six come for screening. Employees, if contact with a colleague, and British youth, Olivia and Ryan, who debate the validity of tests before a flight that will take them to the other side of the Channel, in Liverpool. In half a day, forty tests will be performed by a pharmacy student.
At the opening Tuesday morning, the pharmacist, Mireille Great, was informed of a “national shortage” test, forcing him to be content with the units it had in stock. These supply voltages reflect the national character of the explosion screening. At some 200 kilometers from Paris, one in four between the pharmacy of Europe, in the ZUP of Blois, to achieve an antigenic test. Brice Laurin, owner pharmacist, said:
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