The trial of the alleged flapper of Jeffrey Epstein, the sexual predator of minor who committed suicide in prison in 2019, opened in New York, Monday, November 29
It was in 1994: the young Jane was 14 years old. She participated in a summer camp in Florida, chatted with friends at a picnic table, when she was addressed by a man and a woman, her forty, her thirty. They spoke to him to finance him a scholarship and at the end of the conversation, Jane left them his phone number. “It was the beginning of a nightmare that was going to last four years. What Jane did not know, it was that it was sexual predators,” explained Monday, September 29, Vice-Prosecutor of Manhattan, Lara Pomerantz.
The true surname of Jane has not been revealed, but it is one of the alleged victims of Jeffrey Epstein, the sexual predator of minor found suicide in New York in his cell in the summer of 2019, and From his companion Ghislaine Maxwell, 59 years old. Accused of being the rapty of his lover who became “crime partner”, the daughter of Magnat Robert Maxwell has been judged since Monday by a Federal Court of Manhattan. Imprisoned in New York since the summer of 2020, it has never been released on bail, its triple nationality (American, French and British) increasing the risks of leakage. It incurs seventy years in prison at the end of a trial that should last six weeks.
“The accused was a sexual trafficking of minor”, accused Vice-Prosecutor Pomerantz in his opening up, explaining that the couple targeted young girls loudly by their mother, in financial difficulty, and who believed that the meeting With Epstein would allow them to realize their dreams. “The accused was decisive in this scheme,” according to Lara Pomerantz, since Ghislaine Maxwell “recruited” the girls, “manipulated” speaking sex and by making them normal what would arrive, preparing them for sexual assault Or the rape they were going to undergo the so-called “massage” room, sometimes participating.
“Jane was 14 years old. She was a child”
“She knew exactly what she did. She was dangerous. She was preparing girls to be assaulted by a predator,” summed up the Prosecution. “Jane was 14 years old. She was a child,” while the two accused had double her age. “And Jane was not alone,” said Promerenz, detailing the fate of three other plaintiffs, the last of whom was recruited by a young woman embroidered by the couple, Virginie Giuffre. Today aged 38, she is at the origin of the first revelations of the Epstein scandal but she is not part of the trial.
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