Automotive subcontractor SAM: Renault promises a “financial support” to employees of foundry

The Toulouse Trade Court has sealed its cessation on Friday after the refusal of Renault to support the only factory recovery project.

Le Monde with AFP

Less than a week after the Toulouse Commerce Court has finally sealed, Friday, November 26, judicial liquidation and the cessation of immediate activity of the Aveyronne metallurgy society (SAM), Renault announces financial support. employees.

“Renault will get closer to judicial agents to build with them, given the exceptional situation, the way Renault will bring an individualized accompaniment to each employee of SAM, for a conversion and financial support,” promised Jean -Dominique Senard, the chairman of the French automaker, Tuesday, November 30, in Flins-sur-Seine (Yvelines).

The management of Renault presented, Tuesday, the reconversion of a part of its historic site of FLINs in the factory of reconditioning of used vehicles, with former employees of the assembly lines. In parallel with a large plan of job cuts, the manufacturer also plans to hire 2,000 employees for its French factories in the next three years, including its new Electricity Pole, which brings together three sites in the north of France.

Refusal of Renault to support the only recovery project

“We have the will to support and not drop people, not the activity,” added Luca de MEO, the Director General of Renault. “The case of Sam is quite exceptional. But it is also a systemic problem. With the ecological transition, the transition to the electric, we will have this type of situation”.

The SAM, which employs some 350 people, had been placed in judicial liquidation on September 16th. Friday, November 26, the Toulouse Commerce Court has sealed its cessation of activity after Renault’s refusal to support the only recovery project of this plant in Viviez, near Decazeville (Aveyron).

The Minister of the Economy, Bruno The Mayor, acknowledged on Saturday that the closure of the Sam was a “failure”, but committed to “not drop the employees”. “It’s not because Sam firm that the industrial site should close,” he said on a trip to Toulouse. Monday, the Minister Delegate to Industry, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, said “confident” in the reclassification of employees “because they have skills that are now sought.”

A demonstration of support for SAM employees and their families is planned on Wednesday for the call of several collectives and unions.

/Media reports.