Published Issue 4mlinux 38.0 , a minimalist custom distribution that is not branching from other projects and using a JWM graphic environment. 4MLinux can be used not only as a Live environment to play multimedia files and solutions to user tasks, but also as a system to restore after failures and platform to run LAMP servers (Linux, Apache, MariaDB and PHP). The size of ISO image is 1 GB (x86_64).

In the new release, the Audacity Music Editor, the GQMPEG music player, the GRUB2 bootloader, the YouTube Minitube interface, Musique Music Player, WXCAM WEB-Camera Player, XMP MOD File Player, are included. In 64-bit builds added support for the launch of 32-bit applications. The GD graphic library has been added to the PHP server assembly. Additional set of packages gamepack with a collection of classic games.
Updated Linux kernel 5.10.79, LibreOffice, Abiword 3.0.5, Gimp 2.10.28, GNumeric 1.12.50, Dropbox 133.4.4089, Firefox 94.02, Chromium 93.0.4577.82, Thunderbird 91.3.2, Audacious 4.1 , VLC 3.0.16, MPV 0.33.1, Mesa 21.1.6, Wine 6.19, Apache 2.4.51, MARIADB 10.6.4, PHP 7.4.25, Perl 5.32.1, Python 3.9.4.