The Environment and Energy Mastery Agency (ADEME) has energy scenarios for 2050 ranging from an option largely based on sobriety to another betting on innovations.
This is an additional contribution that will fuel the rich and complex debate on the achievement of carbon neutrality. After the Negawatt Association and the National Electricity Transmission Network (RTE), the Environment and Energy Mastery Agency (ADEME) in turn presents its prospective work articulated around four scenarios , ranging from an option strongly based on sobriety to another focused on technology innovations.
The first conclusions of this study entitled “Transition (s) 2050”, published on Tuesday, November 30 at the end of two years of work, will be completed by a series of thematic publications expected beginning 2022.

The public institution, placed under the double guardianship of the ministries of the ecological transition and research, share of a statement: if the current trends continue, the France’s greenhouse gas emissions will not have diminished enough in 2050 to reach – as it is engaged – carbon neutrality.
To achieve this, the ADEME draws several ways. Unlike RTE’s work, which only focuses on the electrical system, it is interested in global schemes covering both building, mobility, food, agriculture, forestry, or forestry sectors. the industry than energy. “Preserving the living world, for example, is essential to achieve carbon neutrality, particularly thanks to the storage of co 2 and biomass production, explains David Marchal, Assistant Executive Director Expertises and Programs. All These levers are interconnected. “
While the public debate focuses largely on the issue of renewable energies and nuclear energy and that President Emmanuel Macron announced wanting to build new reactors, ADEME hopes to expand the field of discussions. “Carbon neutrality goes well beyond the energy issue or whether to build EPRs, assures Arnaud Leroy, the CEO of ADEME. This involves societal choices in terms of governance, taxation, from Centralization or decentralization, diet … “
” frugal generation “
These company choices are well at the heart of the four trajectories. To reduce energy consumption over the next three decades, are the French ready to focus on sobriety, at the price of radical changes of their habits, or do they prefer to bet on the development of new technologies and continue to live little or forever in the same way as today?
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