The party nomination candidate The Republicans wishes to extend the scope of self-defense, put in place planners and strengthen the prerogatives of the municipal police.
Le Monde with AFP
The race for proposals is not over the Republican Party (LR), particularly with regard to safe policy. Two days from the beginning of the first round of the congress, which will allow members to designate their candidate for the presidential election, Valérie Pécresse presented in detail, Monday 29 November to the press, his “referendary bill on security interior and against Islamism “. A project that provides in particular to include in the Constitution the “right to security of all”.
The text aims above all to protect fundamental freedoms “in the face of the rise of Islamism and communitarianism,” says the candidate. The latter has multiple proposals, relating to the sentences floors and the increase of the prerogatives of the municipal police, as on the enlargement of the principle of self-defense.
Introduce the self-defense into the Constitution
The President of the Ile-de-France region desires firstly that the principle of self-defense “of oneself or others” is recognized by the Constitution of the Constitution of self-defense “today spent in the Penal Code – and that it is expanded its definition, so that the “dangerousness of the aggressors, as well as the disturbances, of the fear or terror has taken into account the aggression”. In the current state of law, “three cumulative conditions” must be reunited for self-defense: the response must be proportional to the aggression suffered, which must itself be unjustified, and the response must have taken place during the attack.
Other proposal from M me Pécresse, the establishment of penalties “in case of aggression against the representatives of the public authority”. In its reform project, the minimum sentence would thus be fixed “to one-third of the maximum sentence of imprisonment incurred, without possibility of suspension or sentence”, and would increase depending on the incapacity for work trained for representatives. “of the public authority”.
The “violent multirecidivists” would also be concerned by the introduction of new floors. Upgraded by Nicolas Sarkozy in 2007, planners were removed in 2014 during François Hollande’s Quinquennial.
Strengthen the role and means of the police
On law enforcement, the nomination candidate of the LR party wants municipal policemen to see their expanded role and, in the future, “proceed with identity checks, not only to identity statements “. It also claims the possibility for the latter to have access to “the data processing used by the police and the national gendarmerie, since their use is necessary for the full exercise of their missions”.
The candidate also agrees that the excavation regime is “simplified” for the police, putting on “modern technologies”, in particular by the development of “cameras”, “drones” and “artificial intelligence”. M me also wishes, out of the state of emergency, to be able to prohibit “some protesters” which “constitute a threat of a particular severity for public order, under certain conditions and Under the control of the judge “, to participate in a manifestation or a rally” on all or part of the national territory “.
Finally, about the terrorist threat, the President of the Ile-de-France region wants to introduce “a safety measure” or “special surveillance measures” for “terrorists presenting a particular dangerousness [with] a High probability of recidivism “, once imprisonment.
From Wednesday 1 er December, Valérie Pécresse will face Michel Barnier, Xavier Bertrand, Eric Ciotti and Philippe Juvin at the LR Congress, with a view to the presidential election of 2022.