District Court of the Japanese city of Asahikawa sentenced Captain Fisybolovetskaya Schuuna “Dai Hati Hokko-Maru”, faced in May with the Russian trawler “Amur” near Hokkaido Island. The captain was sentenced to three years in prison. It is reported by Yomiuri.
Teruesi Yoshioka, the fault of which killed three out of five fishermen, also appointed a five-year period.
In June, the Third Assistant of the Captain of the Russian trawler “Amur” Pavel Dobryansky in Japan, a criminal case was brought. The case is established under articles 129 (“negligence”) and 211 (“improper management of the ship”) of the Japanese Criminal Code. The first article implies a sentence of up to three years of imprisonment or a fine of up to 500 thousand yen (330 thousand rubles). The second – up to seven years of imprisonment or a fine of no more than a million yen (568 thousand rubles).
The Russian ship “Amur” with the crew of 23 people on May 26 went from Korsakov to Mombetsu with the cargo of the crab. 23 kilometers from the end point of the path there was a clash with the Japanese fishing chungy “Dai Hati Hokko Maru”. As a result of the incident, three of five fishermen in the Japanese vessel died. Nobody suffered on “Amur”.