The evolutionary biologists of Harvard University offered an answer to the riddle, why physical activity prolongs the life of a person who has already come out of the childbearing age. As scientists write in the article published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, this is explained by the fact that the exercises allow you to remove the energy from the pathological processes occurring in the elderly. Briefly about the study describes the press release on PHYS.ORG.
According to the hypothesis, people evolved so as to remain physically active with age. Activity slows down a gradual deterioration in health and protects against cardiovascular diseases, a second-type diabetes and even certain types of cancer. The lack of physical activity, on the contrary, increases the risk of diseases and reduces life expectancy.
Researchers note that monkeys, which usually live in the wild of only 35-40 years old and are rarely experiencing menopause, much less active than most people. This suggests that during the evolution, a person passed the selection in favor of longevity and activity. Thus, modern gathet hunters on average are engaged in physical labor from moderate to high intensity about 135 minutes per day and usually live about seven decades. Fossil certificates show that the high life expectancy was the usual phenomenon of about 40 thousand years ago. This refutes the myth according to which the life expectancy of an ancient person was short.
Scientists have shown that physical activity not only burns calories, but also causes physiological stress, including damage to the body on molecular, cellular and tissue levels. However, reducing mechanisms are activated, including the regeneration of cartilage tissues, healing the microcracks, the release of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory molecules. The processes of recovery of cells and DNA reduce the risk of diabetes, obesity, cancer, osteoporosis, alzheimer’s disease, depression and, in general, premature death.