State Transfers, Support Measures, Integral Tax Products … According to a report by the Court of Auditors, local finances are becoming a soy, which does not hunt all the questions for the future.
The second booklet of the report of the Court of Auditors on Local Finances, published Tuesday, November 23, rectifies somewhat the conclusions of the first volume, made public at the end of June. The latter concluded by a warning, pointing out that “the continuation of the sanitary and economic crisis in 2021 and the expected contribution of the local public sector to the recovery plan involves paying attention to the most fragile communities, part of the Consequences of the 2020 crisis having been offset or prolonged “.
Finally, “despite the continuation of the health crisis, the financial situation of local authorities is expected to improve in 2021, with a stability of state financial transfers on a constant perimeter, new exceptional support measures or Extension of existing measures and favorable prospects for local and economic taxation, “fall under financial magistrates. A statement that slides singularly with the repeated remarks in recent days at the Congress of the Association of Mayors of France.
After a year 2020 that has shaken all the economic and financial foundations – but, in this respect, local finances have been much less affected than those of the State or the Social Sphere -, the report of the Court of the Court Accounts confirms that the financial situation of local authorities should in 2021 know a new embellish. State transfers increased by 1.2 billion euros compared to the previous year, on an overall amount of 115 billion euros. Tax products are up: they should grow by 3.7% in 2021 and will continue in 2022, with a revaluation of the bases that should reach, and even exceed, 3%.
Fear of the cloud return.
The expected decrease in the product of the Company’s value added contribution looks less than anticipated. The flight of the transfer duties as expensive offers the departments a comfortable – but random – mattress. The national VAT fraction which now perceive, in addition to the regions, the departments, the metropolis of Lyon, the intercommunities and the city of Paris, has a favorable dynamic. As a result, the level of deposit accounts for the Treasury communities amounted to nearly 55 billion euros, or 11 billion more than 2020 at the same time. And investment expenditures for all communities categories are up: + 7.9% for municipalities, + 11.2% for intercommunalities, + 16.1% for departments and + 9.9% for regions.
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