Published Project Release Coreboot 4.15 , within Which is being developed free alternative to proprietary firmware and BIOS. Project code extends under the GPLV2 license. 219 developers who prepared 2597 changes took part in the creation of a new version.
Basic innovations :
- Added support for 21 motherboards, including ASUS motherboards based on H61 chipset and 14 motherboards used in System76 devices. Among those not related to System76 boards:
- supermicro x9sae
- ASUS P8H61-M_PRO_CM6630
- ASUS P8H77-V
- asus p8z77-v
- google nipperkin
- lenovo w541
- siemens mc_ehl
- stopped support for the Google Mancomb motherboard.
- The possibility of unit testing libpayload and payload components .
- is a new access method to the structure of CPU_info, based on the location of the structure using the descriptor tied to each CPU indicating the data segment located on the stack, and allows you to do without calculating the displacement of the CPU_INFO structure.
- stopped supporting the CoreBootPayload option, which was previously declared outdated and replaced with the UEFIPAYLOADPKG option.
- removed old separate LP4X- and DDR4 versions of SPD_Tools, a unified version has been replaced.
/Media reports.