CMAKE 3.22 Assembly Release Release

is presented Release of a cross-platform open generator of the assembly scenarios CMAKE 3.22 , acting as an alternative to AutoTools and used in projects such as KDE, LLVM / CLANG, MYSQL, MARIADB, REACTOS, and BLENDER. CMAKE code is written in C ++ language and applies under a BSD license.

Cmake is notable for providing a simple scenario language, means of expanding functionality through modules, minimal dependency (no binding to M4, Perl or Python), caching support, the presence of tools for cross- Compilations, support for generating assembly files for a wide range of assembly and compiler systems, the presence of CTEST and CPACK utilities to determine the scenarios of testing and assembling packets, the CMake-GUI utility for the interactive setting of the assembly parameters.

Basic improvements :

  • In the means to configure the compile options (Compile Features), the ability to enable and disable the compiler extensions without specifying the standard support level, and the installation of unnecessary flags with the language standard level is excluded if the selected tinctures fall under the compiler settings installed by default.
  • in the cmake_host_system_information () command, the ability to request an operating system identifier stored in the / etc / os-release file is added.
  • Added CMake_Build_Type and CMake_Configuration_Types environments, through which you can set the default CMAKE variables of the same name.
  • Added variable “cmake_require_find_package_” by calling the Find_Package () function call to detect the specified package in the discharge required.
  • Added environment variable “cmake_install_mode” To set the symbolic links to copy files when calling “Install ()”.
  • Added Flag “cmake__link_what_you_use_flag” and variable “cmake_link_what_you_use_check” for placing and checking the linker flags.
  • In the FetchContent module, the “CMAKE_TLS_VERIFY”, “CMAKE_TLS_CAINFO”, “CMAKE_NETRC” and “CMAKE_NETRC_FILE” and “CMAKE_NETRC_FILE” is provided in the external projects assembly scripts (previously these parameters were ignored).
  • in the “CMakeDependEption” CMake_Dependent_Option () “provided by the module” CMakeDependentOption “Macro” added.
  • Added

  • Findjasper and “FindMatLab” modules now provide imported targets.
  • in the “VS_SETTINGS” property supports all types of files with source texts.
  • declared obsolete and will be removed in one of the following issues “Visual Studio 10 2010”.
/Media reports.