Proton-PM introduces high-precision metrological equipment

Proton-PM (enters the integrated NGO structure of Energomash State Corporation “Roskosmos”) completed the commissioning works of the new coordinate-measuring machine of the portal type. The equipment is intended for high-precision measurement of geometric parameters of parts and blanks of complex shape, as well as for reverse engineering.

The new coordinate measuring machine was acquired within the framework of the investment project “Reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the mechanical collecting and electroplating engine engine RD-191”.

Metrological equipment is placed in a manufacturing body under construction in the countryside of the enterprise in new lodges. A special room is allocated under the control and measuring machine – conditions for cleanliness, temperature and humidity will be provided. According to the main metrologist Proton-PM Alexei Spin, specialists of the service are already working with a similar installation in the central measuring laboratory on the city site, so they have the necessary knowledge and skills.

“The accuracy of measurements and performance have become the defining parameters, – adds the chief specialist. – The error in operation does not exceed 4 microns. It suits the speed of measurements: the machine scans up to 100 millimeters per second. Due to the modular structure, the equipment quickly adapts to Production needs. Repeatability of operations is ensured by engineering solutions and rigidity of the structure. The machine shell makes it possible to measure parts with any geometry.
/Media reports.