The leaders of the Conference of the Religious and Religious of France voted “unanimously” the creation of this distinct structure of the independent national authority for recognition and reparation.
Le Monde with AFP
The measures announced recently at the Conference of Bishops of France (CEF) take shape. The leaders of the Conference of the Religious and Religious (Corref, Catholic Congregations) voted “unanimously” the creation of an “Independent Commission for Recognition and Repair” (CIRR) for the victims of pedocinality, affirmed His Chairperson, Véronique Margron, Friday, November 19th.
This is a separate structure of the national independent body of recognition and repair (INIRR), established in early November by the bishops of France and for which the jurist Marie Derain de Vaucresson was designated president .
The CIRR will have the primary mission of recognizing the word of the victim, to “give it faith”. “It’s an act of reparation,” said M MARGON at the end of a general meeting of this organization held for four days in Lourdes (Hautes-Pyrenees) .
“From there, according to the victim’s wish, the commission will do mediation – or itself, either via other mediators – with the religious institute concerned”, of which came the abuser of the victim , for a possible financial compensation. According to her, “all the art of this commission will be to obtain a consensus” between the two parties.
Common Portal for Victims
The 300 corref officials, which represents about 30,000 monks, moniaors, brothers and sisters of the Church, also voted the creation of a subsidiary funding fund “for the moment fueled by 500,000 euros “. It will serve when the religious institute no longer exists or when it is notoriously insolvent, said M me margron.
The operation (offices, secretarial …) of the Commission will be “assumed by the female congregations”. “It’s our way to report on our responsibility,” said M me Margron. The endowment fund will be “especially fueled by the male institutes, who will pay a number of religious membership in France,” she said.
These decisions show that the “fruit is mature”, welcomed Dominican, re-elected Thursday for a four-year term at the head of Corref. Very involved in listening to the victims, M me Margron has been pleading for several months to set up a multi-stage restorative justice approach, with recognition, before the financial remedy dimension.
In April, six months before the bishops, the corref had recognized “the collegiate and spiritual responsibility of all religious life” in sexual violence. M me Margron and the president of the Inirr, Marie Derain de Vaucresson, each reported that a common portal form for the victims should be found, so that they are then Easily oriented towards the INIRR or towards the CIRR, that their abuser is dioceses (priest, deacon) or institutes (religious).
Published in early October, the report of the Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Church, presided over by Jean-Marc Sauvé, shook the whole institution by revealing the extent of pedocinality in the Church Catholic since 1950.
He estimated 330,000 people over the age of 18 who had been sexually violence for seventy years, when they were minor, from Clercs, religious or related persons. with the Church. Mr. Sauvé participated in the match of Corref, Wednesday, insisting at a round table on the need for a “personal recognition approach” with regard to the victims.