Many militants of the most radical and violent far right, who judge Marine Le Pen too moderate, support the candidacy of the former journalist and structure his networks.
Eric Zemmour, who is assaulting radicality, naturally attracts the elements closest to the ultradroite, when Marine Le Pen, in the name of dedialiaction, has had a hard time doing for years to move them away. This companionship did not scare up the former journalist of Figaro. For the orphans of the extreme right, royalists, identities, white or Catholics ultramontonservatives, Eric Zemmour’s quick ascension holds Divine Surprise. But these supports of the far-right polemist are sometimes bulky and clearly frightened those from the classic right.
The almost candidate can obviously count on the support of the traditionalist Catholics of the Conservative movement (previously common sense), but it also entails the fundamentalists of Civitas, for which “Eric Zemmour embodies a real hope of salvation for our identity threatened to Disappearance by immigration “. The young people of French action, delighted to have a familiar candidate of Charles Maurras and who wants to become “a republican king”, are enthusiastic. “We are patriots before being monarchists. If the common good goes by having a president like Zemmour, then very well,” says former spokesman for French action, Antoine Berth.
for ancient segregates and identity generation orphans, whose movement was dissolved on March 3, discreetly militate for the old CNEWS chronicler; Jean-Yves Le Gallou, the inventor in the 1980s of the national preference for the National Front, and Thomas Joly, President of the Minuscule Party of France, support, also, publicly the quasi-candidate.
The first alert came from an unknown group, the gallicane family, who joined Generation Z and filmed in a forest pulling on Jewish caricatures with a hooked nose, Muslim covered with a Cherche and black with frizzy hair. The revelation of the video by the StreetPress site has embarrassed Stanislas Rigault, the young President of Generation Z, who immediately assured that the two members of This gallican family had been “obviously immediately cleared from the movement”, and recognized that “was not [again] a front moral test.” Himself, a law student at the Catholic Institute of Vendée, founded in 2019 the free student, a media that specialized in “the right off the walls”, to the point of publishing an “interview with Luminis: an identity association at the service of the poorest “, an association which, above all, claims from François DuPrat, the first French negationist, indicated Mediapart .
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