Belarus: declared reinforced NATO exploration at border

In recent days, Belarusian exploration records a constant strengthening of the intensity of flights of intelligence and combat aviation of NATO member countries along the state border. This is reported by the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus in Telegram-Channel.

According to the defense ministry, the total number of flights, including intelligence aviation, has increased almost twice. In addition, the North Atlantic Alliance resorts to the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), and the US Navy increased the number of aviation attached by 1.5 times.

“These facts confirm the extension of military activities from our borders and testify to the further escalation of the situation around Belarus,” the republic’s Ministry of Defense said.

On November 11, the Russian military department published a video of the flight of two tu-22m3 rocket bombers over the territory of Belarus. The aircraft tested the actions of the calculations of a unified air defense system of the Union State. Also bombers worked interaction with ground control points.

The situation on the border of Belarus aggravated after an attempt of thousands of migrants from Iraq to break through through the checkpoint in Poland. During the incident, the Poles applied special needs. Then the situation was relatively stabilized, but some of the migrants still remain on the border of the two countries in the hope of getting into Europe.

/Media reports.