CSA advocates strengthening media education actions with adults

The Superior Audiovisual Council notes that initiatives have multiplied in the audiovisual, particularly since 2015, despite the lack of means in the public service.

Le Monde

Media and information education initiatives have multiplied in the audiovisual, particularly since 2015, despite the lack of means in the public service, notes the audiovisual regulator, which advocates strengthening the Actions with adults.

“Everyone plays the game at all levels”, salute Carole Bienaéé Besse, Member of the Superior Council of Audiovisual (CSA), on the occasion of the publication, Thursday, November 18, the first report of the regulator on media education and information.

Special Operations in Audiovisual Media During the Week of the Press and Media in the School, regular interventions of journalists to raise awareness of false information and to make their working methods known, development of long-term projects under form of tutoring or exchanges with classes … The initiatives are numerous.

Media and information education “has become central” since 2015, year of attacks against Charlie Hebdo and 13-November, which has seen the spread of “hate speeches” and “false information” , insists the CSA Advisor. The contribution of the media is “appeared as a necessity in support of the actions carried out by the teachers”, exposes the regulator in its report.

Public and private actors engaged

Message received: In addition to the public service groups (France Télévisions, Radio France and France Media World) held to obligations in this area, private actors “are also spontaneously committed,” he says.

With a disability in the public service, namely “the lack of affected means” to “respond satisfactorily” to the “growing need” of media education, emphasizes the CSA. But even if there is no dedicated budget, we can see that all the teams have seized “the subject, adds M me Bémaé Besse.

In addition to the “many field actions” with the “school public”, broadcasters are trying to reach other interlocutors, such as teachers, offering them training, social sector actors or priority neighborhoods.

The CSA also recommends “strengthening initiatives for adult audiences on antennas, digital and field actions”, young people are not the only ones “to be permeable to false information”.

According to a study of Science Advances Posted in 2019, seniors aged 65 and over “share twice as much fake articles on platforms only 45-65 years old and even seven times more” than 18-29 years ago, mentions the Csa.

/Media reports.