The anti-pollution law, which provides for the obligation to accept reusable containers, is very little applied, reveals an investigation by the association No Plastic in My Sea.
In office districts, the lunch break is now becoming a paper bag reported at the workplace. A bag filled with plastic trays, aluminum, cardboard, cans, small bottles, cutlery, towels … which will end up irreparably at the trash sitting the meal engulfed. This is one of the consequences of the CIVID-19 epidemic that survived the confines: the boom of the takeaway restoration and its corollary, the explosion of the packaging waste. A trend that anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-pumping law is trying to jug. But without success so far, according to a survey of the association No Plastic in My Sea, published Wednesday 17 November.
The number of points of sale to take away from rapid restoration increased by 11% compared to 2019 (pre-Covid Stallion Year) to 48,800 in France, according to the annual study published in October by CHD Expert, Reference Analysis Cabinet in the Restoration Sector. On the other hand, table catering (restaurants, breweries, cafes) falls of 19%, with 93,100 units. And 60% of restaurateurs now offer take away from 44% before the health crisis.
However, according to the estimates of the ecological transition agency (ADEME), the take-away restoration generates each year in France more than 220 000 tonnes of packaging, including a majority of single-use plastic. At the planet level, waste related to takeaway restoration are the first source of plastic pollution of aquatic environments. Bags, bottles, containers, cutlery, caps, lids, cups … According to an international meta-analysis published in June in the Nature Sustainability scientific journal, they account for 50% to 88% of marine waste. In 2018, a study of the European Commission already showed that the most found waste on the European beaches came from the takeaway restoration.
A little applied law
Promulgated in February 2020, just before the start of the pandemic, the anti-gap law for a circular economy aims to limit the production of waste and in particular to “exit disposable plastic”. It thus provides for the end of the marketing of single-use plastic packaging by 2040. Plastic straws and expanded polystyrene boxes (used in particular for kebabs) are prohibited since 1 ER January. Several articles concern the catering to take away and must encourage the consumer to avoid single-use packaging, to privilege reusable containers. Since July, restaurateurs are thus for the obligation to serve customers who come with their own containers for food. An obligation since January for drinks and is accompanied by a reduced rate and even free water.
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