The last budget of the five-year period has been widely adopted by 348 votes against 205, with 8 abstentions, with the support of the elected majority.
Le Monde with AFP
Plan for Marseille, France in 2030 investment or contract commitment young: the National Assembly passed Tuesday, November 16 at first reading the entire project 2022 budget, supplemented over the presidential debates and ads, and found “electioneering” by the opposition.
Members voted overwhelmingly this last five-year budget by 348 votes against 205, with 8 abstentions, with the support of the elected majority. Right and left were against. Between the presentation of the draft budget and the end of its first reading at the Palais Bourbon, 11.8 billion in additional expenses were added, bringing the deficit forecast to 5% of GDP in 2022, with a negative balance of 155 billion.
After the “whatever it costs” during the health crisis, the government defended a budget of “normalization” and investment to “support the recovery.” The economy minister, Bruno Le Maire, leases renewed growth, 6.25% expected in 2021 and 4% in 2022 and falling unemployment. “We spend the stimulus to France 2030”, welcomed the MP Republic on (LREM) Cendra Motin.
Right, Véronique Louwagie (Republicans, LR) blasted a “soaring electoral expenses”, “irresponsible” to five months of the presidential election. On the left, the Socialist Christine Pires Beaune pointed a “record” of “149 government amendments to complete the holes” a budget that looks like a “golf course”. The method has often bristled opposition, especially the relatively rapid adoption of “the most expensive amendment of the Fifth Republic” (Valérie Rabault, PS). This is a promise of 34 billion euros to decline in several years the investment plan announced by France in 2030 Emmanuel Macron for “reindustrialization” and the country “decarbonise” the economy.
In 2022, the first tranche of this plan is 3.5 billion euros only, but opposition sees the extent the symbol of a campaign budget, while Emmanuel Macron has not yet officially candidate.
“Recycle existing measures”
“This is historic, is that on the medium term, long term, we have acted that France would invest 34 billion euros on promising niches such as nuclear or low carbon aircraft “claims the general rapporteur of Laurent Saint-Martin budget (LREM).
Another addition, some 550 million for the “young employment contract” presented by the President of the Republic on 2 November. The device will offer to young people under the most distant 25 years of employment and education allowance of up to 500 euros per month in exchange for 15 to 20 hours of training and support. It should aim “at least 400 000 young people in 2022”. The left opposition, which argued for an extension of the RSA 18-24, judge available “late” and “insufficient”. This “recycles existing measures”, criticizes the rebellious Eric Coquerel which criticizes “a dismal record for the social and fiscal justice.”
In the face of soaring energy prices, the National Assembly also approved the “tariff shield” of government: freeze of regulated tariffs for gas and limitation to 4% of the regulated electricity tariff. Inflation allowance of € 100 figure for his part in the amended budget for 2021.
The government has yet completed this PLF 2022 its plan to Marseille, including 30 million in grants and 100 million repayable advances since 2022 for transport. Or by measures for the harkis, with a first tranche of EUR 50 million by 2022 to achieve the bill to “repair” promised these Algerians who fought alongside the French army during the war in Algeria.
departmental spending side, the government assumes increases for the sovereign (armies, Interior, Justice), winner of the 2022 vintage.
The High Council of Public Finance (HCFP) regretted insufficient deleveraging effort. At Bercy, it suggests that a higher growth expectations in 2021 could help garner “3 to 5 billion” additional revenue to reduce the deficit and debt. The finance bill is expected Thursday in the Senate, dominated by the right, which could shorten the review to show its opposition to the text. The Assembly has the last word for a final adoption before Christmas.