Harmhouses opposed Monday Firefighters strikers and gendarmes, who charged before being targeted by fireplace jets manipulated by firefighters.
Le Monde with AFP.
Two firefighters were injured and two people arrested, Monday, November 15, to Guadeloupe during the first day, enamelled of incidents, an unlimited general strike against the immunization obligation and the health care, learned the France-Presse agency (AFP) of trade union and parquet.
Harmhouses have opposed firefighters and gendarmes, which charged before being targeted by jets of water spear manipulated by firefighters. “Two firefighters were injured” during this confrontation, said Jocelyn Zou, union representative FO of the trades.
Other incidents between strikers and law enforcements resulted in two views for “facts of repeated threats on the agent of the public force,” the Pointe-à- Pitre.
Maïté Hubert M’Toumo, General Secretary of the General Union of Guadeloupe workers (UGTG), very influential union of the island, qualified these arrests of “provocation”. She denounced in a statement “a serious infringement of a fundamental freedom is the right to strike” and called “all members and activists to strengthen the pickets”.
” Go mount crescendo “
At the union’s appeal, employees from several institutions in the medico-social sector have entered strike, said the UGTG in a second press release, as well as employees of many hotels while the tourist season is in course.
Throughout the day of the more or less ephemeral dams have been erected. “It’s going to climb crescendo,” said AFP Jocelyn Zou. “We are between 70% and 75% of non-vaccinated. Except that to ensure the minimum service, we are requisitioned by assignments. We do not understand why, not to be vaccinated is not a problem,” A-T- Ironized it.
Several service stations were closed by protesters, and many motorists stormed those who remained open for fear that the strike should not impact the supply of fuel.
The call for unlimited general strike was launched by a collective of Guadeloupe trade union and citizens to protest the health care and the immunization obligation of caregivers against CVIV-19.