This survey was opened on 17 September, the same day of the facts, for “violence by the custodians of the public authority”.
Le Monde with AFP
A survey of suspicions of illegitimate police violence after the interpellation of a Malian undocumented undocumented in the capital was entrusted on September 17 to the NPI, the police police, announced the parquet of Paris, Monday November 15, confirming information from mediapart . The investigation was opened on 17 September, the same day of the facts, for “violence by custodians of the public authority”.
Another investigation has also been opened on the same day for “violence on the custodian person of the public authority, rebellion and outrage”, entrusted to the 5-SUP> E arrondissement, added The floor.
After Mediapart, Seriba, 30, Malian undocumented, celebrated his birthday with friends in the courtyard of his building when he was arrested during the night. According to the police prefecture, it was arrested around 3:30 am “in drunkenness by a crew of the e district intervening for disruptors in front of a building”.
Several shots of task
On video surveillance images unveiled by Mediapart, we see a face-to-face tense between a policeman and Seriba, before the latter is grounded and handcuffed. According to testimonials collected by the information site, a shot of Taser was given by a policeman. A police source affirmed at the France-Press agency (AFP) that he had taken nitrogen oxide, and that the Taser had been used at “two times on him”.
He told Médiapart that once embarked in a police vehicle, then taken to the police station, he had received several shots of “at the testicular level”, and had been struck, which led to his hospitalization. .
According to a medical report unveiled by the online information site, and consulted by AFP, Seriba, examined by a medico-judicial unit doctor (UMJ), declares “having been a victim of violence by Police officials during his interpellation “, have” been plated on the ground, then in the police vehicle it was turned with punches at the face, the thorax. “
Forty-five ITT days brought back to six days
The doctor granted him forty-five days of temporary work interruption (ITT), evoking a “likely fracture of radius”, a “important psychological shock”, a “cranial trauma” and “lesions at the level of the Genital parts compatible with traces of Taser “. But a second medical examination has brought back this ITT to six days, specified the floor.
According to his lawyer, M e Aié Alimi, he has also been the victim of racist remarks. Seriba filed a complaint at the IGPN on October 6th. “It is again a matter of a particularly disturbing racist violence of police violence. It is part of a systemic racism of the police institution. The Paris Police Prefecture, the IGPN as well as many policemen attempted to avoid revelation, “denounced m e alive.
His client is, moreover, pursued before the Criminal Court for “illegal use of narcotics” and “contempt to the custodian person of the public authority” for facts dating from October 6, according to the parquet of Paris. He will appear on February 17, said M e alimi.
On images filmed by a witness, broadcast by Mediapart, we see police digging several times in his bag. “The videos and testimonials show that his bag was empty and that it is the police who voluntarily introduced narcotics in the bag after his interpellation,” said AFP m e aloud.