Tesla head Ilon Musk wrote in his Twitter About readiness to sell even more of its company shares. So he commented on the words of the Congressman of Bernie Sanders with a call for fairly taxation of super-rich Americans.
“We must demand that very rich pay your fair share,” wrote Sanders. “I still forget that you are still alive. Do you want me to sell more stocks, Bernie? Just say one word” – reacted Mask.
Earlier, the businessman suggested subscribers to Twitter to decide whether he should sell 10 percent of the company’s shares. The survey was associated with the initiative of the Senator-Democrat of Ron Wyden obliges the richest Americans to pay a tax of 23.8 percent from the growth of shares. Mask criticized it and said that it was going to pay taxes only subject to the sale of a part of the shares, since this is its only source of income.
In the voting We took part more than three and a half million people. 57.9 percent of respondents supported the sale of securities. Already on November 10, Mask sold 2.5 million options for TESLA shares.