The influx of thousands of refugees on the western border of Europe places the issue of migratory issues and relations with Putin Russia in the election of 2022.
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Jean-Yves Le Drian had to express, Monday, November 15, at a meeting with his counterparts from the European Union (EU), “the total solidarity of France with Poland, Lithuania and Latvia against The unacceptable instrumentalization of migratory flows by the Belarusian regime “. In the hope of stopping these operations also considered in Paris as under a “hybrid war”, the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs had to support the adoption of a fifth package of European sanctions against Minsk, a The dock of Orsay, Sunday, November 14th.
Even if Paris does not directly point out the responsibility of Russia in the current crisis – unlike the Polish government – the question was mentioned with Moscow, at a meeting, Friday, between Jean-Yves The Drian, Florence Parly, the Minister of Armies, and their Russian counterparts.
Since August 2020, France has fully supported the four European sanctions trains against Minsk; Paris criticizes the “brutal” strategy and systematic repression of the regime, and deplores the “destabilization acts” of Belarus in neighboring countries. The French ambassador in the Belarusian capital, Nicolas de Bouillan de Lacoste, had to return on October 17 in France, under the official pretext of having not presented his credentials to President Alexandre Loukachenko, including Paris does not recognize re-election.
In France, the Belarusian crisis awakens ancient cleavages. For the right, it’s all European foreign policy that is played on the Polish border; For the extreme right, it is proof that “immigration is a form of war”. For the Greens, it is clear that Russia tries “to organize a war on the borders of Europe”.
“A test for Europe”, according to Damien Abad
François-Xavier Bellamy, the leader of the Party The Republicans (LR) in Brussels, stroked on 10 November to the rescue of a regularly decried Poland for his treatment of the migrant crisis. What is played at the EU’s borders is a collective problem: “Eastern Europe, the Belarusian dictatorship is organizing a migratory crisis. This is not the problem of Poland This is our problem. If we do not help it, we do not have a future. “
Damien Abad, the President of the LR Group at the National Assembly, also considers that “the method of the President of Belarus is ignoble”. It aims to “instrumentalize the distress of men and women and to provoke a humanitarian disaster on our doorstep, or even a large-scale diplomatic crisis” and it is for him “a real test for Europe”. He warns: “If the EU is unable to protect the European peoples, and in the first place its borders against migratory movements, then it will disappear.”
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