The President of the National Federation of Hunters says, in an interview at the JDD, wanting to propose a “partnership” to rural elected officials, to fight “against rural and environmental delinquency”.
Le Monde
The President of the National Federation of Hunters, Willy Schraen, estimates, In an interview in the Journal du Sunday (JDD ) dated November 14, that the departmental federations of hunters have “a role to play in local police”.
m. Schraen, who will participate in the Mayors Congress to be held on 16, 17 and 18 November in Paris, announces in the columns of the weekly wanting to offer the rural elected representatives a “partnership” to give the swinging agents of his federation of powers police in the forest, to fight “against rural and environmental delinquency”.
“I think that in terms of proximity police, the departmental federations of the hunters have a role to play in contributing to the prevention and monitoring of the territories”, does it advance.
“Dresser Minutes”
“In the Federation, we have development agents. They are trained and sworn professionals already involved in some municipalities who have made the demand for the regulation of certain harmful species,” says the boss of hunters.
These agents “could, tomorrow, under the control of the state and mayors, have larger missions to care for the illegal garbage deposits, the divagation of domestic animals, problems related to the presence motorized vehicles in the forest in sensitive places, etc. It would be necessary to draw up minutes and to see flavors offensive, “he continues.
Asked about hunting accidents in recent weeks, which were victims of non-hunters, Mr. Schraen said to deplore them, “obviously”, and fight “every day so that it does not happen”, In particular with “intensive safety training”, while estimating “that we [the] mediize far too much”. He adds wanting to propose the final withdrawal of the hunting license “if someone kills or hurts a person seriously having committed a serious fault.” “This is not the case today, [this permit] is simply withdrawn for a given period,” he argues. “If it is proven that you have made a mistake, then it will be necessary to say goodbye to your hunting license,” he says.