formed Production distribution Almalinux 8.5 , synchronized with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.5 distribution and containing all changes offered in this issue. Build Prepared for architectures x86_64 and arm64 in the form of bootable (740 MB), minimum (2 GB) and full image (10 GB). Separately Prepared System Images for installation on Raspberry PI boards. Later, further promise to form Live assemblies, as well as images for containers and cloud platforms.
Distribution is identical to RHEL on functionality, with the exception of changes related to rebranding and Removal RHEL-specific packages, such as Redhat- *, Insights-Client and Subscription-Manager-Migration *. Almalinux is free for all categories of users, develops with community attracting and using a management model similar to the organization of the Fedora project. The creators of Almalinux tried to achieve an optimal balance between corporate support and community interests – on the one hand, the development of the resources and developers of Cloudlinux, which has extensive experience, accompanied by Rhel forks, and on the other hand, the project is transparent and controlled by the community.
Distribution Almalinux is based on Cloudlinux, which despite the involvement of its resources and developers, handed over the project of a separate non-profit organization Almalinux OS Foundation to develop a neutral site with the community participation. A million dollars a year allocated on the development of the project. All ALMALINUX is published under free licenses.
Distribution is developing in accordance with the principles of the classic CentOS, it is formed via a rebeling of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 batch database and saves full binary compatibility with RHEL, which allows you to use it for transparent replacement for classic CentOS 8. Updates for the Almalinux 8 distribution branch, based on The batch base of RHEL 8, promise to release until 2029. To migrate existing CENTOS 8 installations on Almalinux enough Download and run special script .