Researchers from the United States have developed a new method of paralysis therapy and injuries of the spine with the help of the preparation-based drugs based on peptide supramolecular polymers. Dedicated to the unique therapy of paralysis The article of scientists was published in the journal Science.
In his experiment, specialists from the North-West University were injected with experimental mice protein scaffold in liquid state. Immediately after administration, the drug turned into a nanofolocon gel that copies the extracellular spinal cord matrix – both its structure and receptor signals. “The key innovation of our study, which was previously never applied – the ability to control the movement of more than 100 thousand molecules in nanofires,” said Professor of the North-West University Samuel Futput. This, according to researchers, allows molecules to connect better with receptors.
After they manage to do it, the molecules are sent two signals. One of them launches the process of regeneration of axons – neuron processes for which nerve impulses are coming. The second same contributes to the proliferation of other cell types, contributing, in particular, the restoration of blood vessels, feeding neurons, as well as the formation of myelin – shells of nerve fibers. As a result, with the help of therapy, scientists managed to cure heavy paralysis of the lower extremities for four weeks.
“Our synthetic alarm molecules are short, modified peptides that are capable of […] to survive weeks in order to stimulate bioactivity,” says the first author of the study of the Zaid Alvarez. Researchers hope that the therapy developed by them in the future will be used not only for paralysis therapy, but also neurodegenerative diseases.