The Ministry of the Ecological Transition organizes, until February 2022, an online public consultation around the future strategy on energy and climate.
“nuclear” or “wind”? The user will find no occurrence of these words in Public consultation posted on November 2 by the Ministry of the Ecological Transition. Until mid-February 2022, it allows anyone who wishes to respond to a series of issues related to the future French strategy on energy and climate – the SFEC, according to its acronym.
The head of state, Emmanuel Macron, announced it on November 9: “We will (…) revive the construction of nuclear reactors in our country”. At five months of the presidential election, the public consultation intends to get rid of the sometimes binary debate between nuclear and renewable energies. Its twelve thematic, elaborated upstream, are mainly supposed to feed the reflection before the future energy-climate program. A text to be adopted before the July 1, 2023, always in order to achieve carbon neutrality in 2050.
More than a year after the proposals of the Citizen Convention for the Climate – Rarely Released to the same as the Climate Law and Resilience of August 2021 -, the first of the twelve components of the consultation echoes a discussion From the moment: “What balance between use of energetic sobriety and recourse to new technologies?” By “sobriety”, hear various “behavioral levers” involving lifestyle changes. For example, the pursuit of “dietary diets to less carnable diets”, a “decrease of 1 ° C of the average temperature of housing heating”, or a “development of teleworking, carpooling, mobility. sweet “or” circular economy (fewer new products, choice of better quality and repair products) “.
Equilibrium question
A recent report could feed this company debate. On October 25, the National Electricity Transmission Network (RTE) published its main lessons for the country’s “future energy” by 2050. Six scenarios prefigure the future of the electrical system with or without new nuclear reactors . They depart from the postulate that the overall energy consumption could already lower by 40% without sobriety, but with, in particular, the renovation of buildings or more efficient devices.
This global reduction would be accompanied by an increase in electricity consumption: + 35% terawatt hours from today’s energy mix. Without digging as much, RTE indicates two other hypotheses to consider: that of the sobriety would correspond to a lower rise (+ 15%), conversely with that of deep reindustrialization (+ 60%).
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