Scientists said talking about cancer development by a night symptom

Scientists from the European Foundation Lung revealed that obstructive apnea (OSA) can talk about development in the body of a cancer tumor. It is reported by the MedicalXpress portal.

According to researchers, OSA is an unexpected respiratory stop during sleep, when a snoring person stops breathing, and then he starts to snore again. At the same time, all this time his sleep is not suspended. In this case, breathing can be interrupted on average for 40 seconds.

It is noted that when OSA, the respiratory pathways of a person partially overlap, which leads to a decrease in the level of oxygen in the blood, as well as breaking sleep and strong fatigue.

According to the results of research, scientists found that people with apnea often detect oncology. The risk group more includes women than men.

Previously, scientists from the United States showed that people with respiratory disorders during sleep above the risk of hospitalization and death at COVID-19. They analyzed the health data of more than 360 thousand patients.

/Media reports.