In the summer of 2022, during the 67th expedition to the international space station, Russian astronauts will have to transfer the radiator from the “Dawn” module to the “Science” module using the ERA manipulator robot. This radiator is needed to remove additional heat loads from the “Science” module during scientific experiments. The design of the design will be carried out in open space under the control of two cosmonauts, the task of the third member of the crew includes manipulator control.
Previously, the complexity was to simulate and work out the whole process, it was impossible. At extracurricular activities, astronauts are prepared under water in the framework of the testing of the cosmonaut preparation center, the manipulator is on the DON-ERA simulator, located in another building of the CPC.
Creating separate communication channels, combining cyclograms developed for different simulators, creating a new methodology for conducting training, ensuring the visualization of actions that will occur in open space, the CPC specialists have conducted a lot of work in order to cosmonaut on the simulator “Don-Era “Could interact with his colleagues during their scuba diving.
The main crew of the ISS-67 was the first to work together a new mechanism for the implementation of a specific task associated with the transfer of the radiator. Cosmonauts Oleg Artemyev and Denis Matveyev were under water in the hydrolaboratory, and Sergey Korsakov – for the remote control on the “Don-Era” simulator. The crew actions coordinated specialists from different CPC controls.
On a separate monitor, you can see the movement of the manipulator in the “open space”, and this is also a very important point.
The crew confirmed the high efficiency of joint training and a very high quality modeling of a real situation. The work was crowned with success. All experts, including from the RKK “Energy” (part of the Roskosmos State Corporation), received unique information to ensure a specific Outdoor Cosmos, “said Valery Nedmeyanov.
For the first time in the history of the CPC, it was possible to work out a mechanism for solving the overall task of astronauts located at various facilities. Moreover, when one part of the crew is in much conditions, that is, under water. Such tests plan to hold within three weeks.