EDF will stop cutting electricity to its particular customers in case of unpaid bills

This measure will now be worth all year and no longer only during the winter truce. Instead, the group will impose on April 1, 2022, a power limitation, allowing access to essential uses.

Le Monde with AFP and Reuters

The French Energy Giant EDF announced on Friday, November 12, that it would stop asking for the cutting of electricity for its private customers in a position of unpaid bills. This measure will now be amended all year round and not only during the winter break, specifies the electricity supplier in a communiqué .

“This measure (…) will apply in all cases, unless there is a physical or technical impossibility of limiting the power of the housing power supply,” he added.

In the place, the Group will ask, from 1 April 2022, a power limitation to 1 kVA, allowing access to essential uses. This limitation makes it possible to maintain several uses, such as lighting, the operation of kitchen equipment, such as the refrigerator, or the recharge of electronic devices, specifies the press release.

Currently, the law prevents energy providers from proceeding, in a principal residence, the interruption of their service for non-payment of invoices between November 1 and March 31.

Outbreak of prices

This announcement comes two days after the National Energy Ombudsman took a position for a minimum access right to electricity for the most precarious households, and while energy prices have flamed the during the last few months on a background of global economic recovery.

“without electricity, no light, no heating, no access to the Internet, nor on the phone. It is not acceptable, in a country like France, that homes can end up in such a situation precariousness and poverty, “pleaded Olivier Challan BELVAL.

In France, the government recently announced measures in the face of rising energy prices, which affects the entire Europe: a check for additional 100 euros for precarious households, freezing of the price increase. gas and limitation of that of the electricity rate.

In his statement, EDF points out that he has already favored, in recent years, the power limitation at the demand for electricity cut. According to the group, this choice has reduced by one third the number of cuts in five years.

The energetician had interrupted the practice of power cuts during the confinement related to the sanitary crisis. “We realized that practically as good results, in terms of regularization of situations, and reimbursement of debts, using other means. And in particular the power limitation,” explained to Parisian Marc Benayoun, director of the group clients, services and territories of the group.

/Media reports.