The High Commissioner of the Republic confirmed the voting holding despite the decision of the independence not to participate because of the impacts of the CIVID-19 epidemic.
Le Monde with AFP
The future of New Caledonia should be well on December 12th. Despite the iron arm committed by the independence who do not wish to participate in the referendum on the independence of the archipelago, because of the impacts of the CIVID-19 epidemic, the date initially chosen has been confirmed.
The High Commissioner of the Republic Patrice Faure made this announcement during the trip to the independence of Ponyhouen on the east coast of New Caledonia, highlighting the improvement of the sanitary situation, reported, reported, Thursday, November 11, local media.
On October 20, the Independentists of the FLNKs had indicated that they would not participate in the third and final consultation on the accession to the full sovereignty of New Caledonia. They estimate “impossible” the holding of a “fair campaign” because of the many deaths and sanitary restrictions and wanted to postpone the vote in September 2022. On the other hand, the loyalist parties wanted its maintenance to give “readability” to the Caledonians , and particularly economic actors in great difficulty.
“We do not feel concerned”
“We thank the state of assuming its responsibilities and thus to offer future prospects in Caledonians by giving us the possibility of closing the period of the Nouméa Agreement,” reacted the movement the voices of the No, which brings together the main loyalist parties.
They pointed out that “health indicators (…) are now acceptable and sustainable” to make “possible” the organization of a campaign, which they have resumed for two weeks. “We regret that at this time in our common history, the independence are not up to the stakes,” said the voices of the NO.
Flnks’ spokesperson, Daniel Goa for his side confirmed on New Caledonia 1st that the independence coalition “and all nationalists in their ensemble” maintained their position and “would not go to the polls” December 12th. “It does not feel concerned by this referendum because sanitary and social conditions are not gathered to be in serenity and peace,” he said.
The leader Kanak recalled that the Flnks did not call on violence and asked his activists “to stay at home” on the day of the vote while not excluding “overflow” of the fact “young sensitive to The Independent Cause “and which do not follow the instructions. The FLNKS asked the independent mayors to ensure “the normal course” of the vote.
This third vote leads to an end a process from the Matignon-Oudinot agreements in 1988, under the authority of Michel Rocard, extended by the Nouméa Agreement of 5 May 1998, under the Government of Lionel Jospin. Two referendums were already held on November 4, 2018 and 4 October 2020, and were won by non-independence with 56.7% and then 53.3% of the vote.