State Duma was offered to increase pensions at expense of officials

The “Fair Russia – for the truth” party proposed to increase pensions at the expense of funds allocated for the awards for officials. About this in its Telegram Channel wrote the party leader Sergey Mironov.

“We propose to reset the budget expenses for material incentives for officials – more than 185 billion rubles. We propose to reduce the reserve fund of the government by 220 billion out of 290,” Mironov said. The State Duma deputy suggested 68 billion from the saved amount to renew the indexation of pensions to working retirees, and 16 billion on the indexation of pensions by military retirees.

Also, Mironov offered to allocate an additional 40 billion on education. Thus, the deputy wants to increase the financing of the industry to 7 percent of the total budget expenditures. Mironov’s party wants to send 20 billion rubles to culture, 10 billion – on environmental protection and support for regional science, 100 billion – infrastructure projects in the regions.

Earlier in October, Mironov made a proposal to return to Russians pension savings frozen in 2014. According to the deputy, after freezing, the accumulative part lost its meaning. Miron noted that the money of the citizens lie “dead cargo, and inflation turns them into dust.” The deputy called on the authorities to recognize the failure of the cumulative system and return the funds to the Russians.

/Media reports.