A condition for reading thoughts in future

Currently there is no technology that can read people’s thoughts. However, there may be special devices in the future, which will be able to evaluate what a person thinks about. The conditions for this “Lente.ru” called the representative of I-Braintech Gennady Kovalenko as part of the Cyberreality project.

Although the reading of thoughts in the usual understanding of this word is impossible, neurothechnologies can record the bioelectric activity of the brain. If a suitable mathematical apparatus appears, which will make it possible to decode this activity, we will be able to determine how a patient suffering from a locked man syndrome responds to those or other Irriters – for example, on signs with letters. So we can understand what a person thinks about what is being deprived of the opportunity to speak and move, “the specialist explained.

In his opinion, people will still be with distrust to relate to neurointerfaces connected directly to the brain: “Not every person agrees to open the brain.” However, neurointerfaces are already helping to recover after severe injuries and stroke.

However, Kovalenko recalled that there is already a non-invasive technology in which it is not necessary to carry out a complex operation for the burden of chip, but which allows you to record the bioelectric activity of the brain and decrypt it with artificial intelligence. These signals can be used to control prostheses or for immersion of a person in a game virtual environment.

The project “Cyberreality” is dedicated to how high technologies change the life of Russians and humanity in general. He talks about how the development, which a few years ago seemed fantastic, today ensure security, help people in everyday life, save lives, expand the horizons of people with disabilities and care about the elderly.

/Media reports.