During the first quarter of 2022, the Sber will start on the basis of its blockchain-platform marketer on the trade “Green” certificates. This was told in an interview with Tass Deputy Chairman of the Board of Sberbank Anatoly Popov.
According to him, a blockchain-platform operates in a savage that allows you to carry out transactions on the purchase and sale of “green” energy certificates. “On the basis of this blockchain platform, we are now developing marketer on the sale of” green “certificates that we plan to run in the first quarter of 2022,” Popov said.
Sberbank’s Board’s deputy chairman noted that the site will allow manufacturers of “green” energy to produce such certificates and sell them. “We also use the same technological blockchain platform in the Sakhalin experiment to develop a registry of carbon units in the region,” he added.
The top manager explained that with the help of such certificates, the company can confirm that they are used precisely from a certain renewable source. “After all, when electricity falls into the distribution network, we can no longer distinguish whether we consume energy produced by coal CHP, or VES, or SES. That is, certificates allow you to” wonder “consumed electricity, confirm compliance with ESG principles [Environmental – Ecology, Social – social pricing, governance – control] and make a contribution to the development of re-generation, “he concluded.