City at the bar, a first for a former president before an Assize Court, the former head of state has defended his record and the war against the organization Islamic state.
“- Good morning, Mr. President
– Good morning, Mr. President. “
It started rather well. It was nearly 16 pm, François Hollande had just moved to the bar and relieved by this fun mirror the atmosphere of the courtroom, filled as often since the beginning of this trial. The hearing of former head of state, first before a criminal court, was expected. At the invitation of the Chairman of the Special Assize Court of Paris, the witness of the day his identity: “My name is Holland, François my name, I was born August 12, 1954 …”
Quoted by an association of victims in the trial of the attacks of 13 November 2015, Wednesday 10 November, former President of the Republic wishes to read before answering questions, a brief opening statement laying down the framework of his testimony: “I hear particular justify the commitment of France in the fight against Islamist terrorism, Mali, Iraq and Syria, in particular against Daech. (…) This terrorist group struck us not for our modes action abroad, but to our way of life here. “
In two sentences, the former president summarized his program for the day: defend his record and opposing a speech against the propaganda of the organization Islamic State (EI). In the early days of the trial, the main accused Salah Abdeslam, had said that France was targeted because of the “decision of François Hollande to attack the Islamic state,” not for its “values.” The former president will attempt during the four hours of his evidence to prove otherwise. An exercise which he will shoot fairly smoothly, helped by the questions often out about civil party lawyers, to defense issues, much more sharp.
“We were made the war, we replied “
The terrorist threat, he insisted at length, existed prior to the decision of France to intervene in Iraq and Syria. And since the chronology is important, the former head of state makes up the first “trace” of this threat to June 2014, with the creation by the EI of a “cell” responsible for conducting operations in Europe . Soon after, “the spokesman of the IU,” Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, had called in a message to “punish Westerners”, including “dirty French.” “We are mid-2014. We are not yet intervened in Iraq, and of course not in Syria,” he said. An error of size has crept into this statement. Nobody over. The witness of the day continues his testimony.
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