The candidate for the investiture of the party the Republicans, whose winner will be appointed at a congress on 4 December, returns to an interview at the “point” on his proposals and assumes a very right-handed position.
Le Monde with AFP
He wants to “slaughter the politically correct taboos” and assumes a very right-handed position. Eric Ciotti, candidate for the investiture of the Party The Republicans, has returned to its proposals against Islamism and terrorism, In an interview at the point , published Wednesday November 10th. The MP LR of the Alpes-Maritimes advocates the idea of a “French guantanamo”, in order to lock up “the extremely serious cases” which, in his opinion, require “exceptional measures with a retention center dedicated “.
“Since 2018 and by 2022, 2,540 prisoners convicted for Islamist or radicalized terrorism in prison who have served their sentences come out or come out of prison,” he denounces. For most of the They must go further than what the legislation provides with geolocated bracelets. “
“The fight against Islamism can not bear the naivety. It takes laws specially adapted to terrorism, such as the Patriot Act in the United States,” he said. Questioned on this proposal that he had already mentioned after the attack at the Basilica of Nice in October 2020 and which would be contrary to the Constitution, Mr Ciotti explains that, if he is elected President of the Republic, his “first measure Would be a decree of calling for a referendum to amend the Constitution on several subjects under national sovereignty, in order to regain control of our destiny. “
” National Priority “
In its program, the member for Alpes-Maritimes also plans to “considerably reduce” immigration flows, making “our less attractive social model through a very concrete measure, the national priority: no social benefits before six years of presence on the territory; suppression of state medical aid, except for emergencies, because we do not have to finance medical tourism; national priority for social housing, occupied at 34% by foreigners or people born abroad; and priority in jobs like this exists in Monaco and Switzerland, who are not known for their authoritarian regimes! “
He also wants to establish “a point permit for migrants by imposing migration quotas by trades and by origins”, as well as the abolition of family reunification “except humanitarian cases”. On the European front, Mr Ciotti proposes to “renegotiate and give customs to the borders for non-citizens” of the European Union. “It is necessary that the Republican line to find a spine without being guilty by the camp of the property that awards patents of respectability, added M. Ciotti, while some sympathizers LR look with interest on the side of Eric Zemmour. When the Right is right, there is no need for the extreme right or other political offers. “
The extreme right polemicist, which always maintains the blur on his candidacy, “is not an enemy – it’s even a friend -, but it’s my political family that has to draw the path of the recovery” , added the member of the Alpes-Maritimes who has repeatedly said he would prefer to vote Eric Zemmour that Emmanuel Macron in the case of second round between the two men.