ISS is preparing for maneuver of evasion from cosmic garbage

Friday, November 12, 2021, the Fengyun-1C spacecraft fragment gets close to the International Space Station at about 4 am Moscow time.

According to preliminary data of the main information and analytical center of the automated warning system for dangerous situations in the near-emblem space (ASPOS OKP), TsNIIMASH (included in the state corporation “Roskosmos”), the minimum distance between the object and the ISS will be just over 600 meters.

In order to evade the object of “space garbage”, specialists of the Ballistic-navigation provision of the Center for Flight Management TsNIIMASH conducted a calculation of the correction of the orbit of the International Space Station.

Wednesday, November 10, at 23:15 MSCs will include engine moisters and orientation of the Progress MS-18 Transport Cargo Ship. The magnitude of the pulse will be 0.7 m / s, the operation time of the engines will be 361 seconds.

After the correction maneuvers, the average height of the ISS orbit will increase by 1240 m and will be 420.72 km. Parameters of the ISS orbit after the adjusting maneuver:

  • Caption period: 92.93 min;
  • Obligation of the orbit: 51.66 degrees;
  • Minimum orbit height: 417.90 km;
  • Maximum Orbit Height: 438,39 km.

/Media reports.