Tuesday, November 9, the Advocate General also applied for eighteen years in prison against Alex Carrimbacus for the murder of the octogenarian in March 2018.
The Advocate General, Jean-Christophe Muller, did not go by four paths: “The death of Mireille Knoll rests on the shoulders of Yacine Mihoub,” he said. Tuesday, November 9, in a dense indemnity of barely a little over two hours, the representative of the Crown asked the maximum for the one who stabbed Mireille Knoll, 85, “while it was vulnerable and in the context of anti-Semitism that characterizes this case “. Against this 32-year-old accused, whether he considers the “only author of particularly wild murder” perpetrated on March 23, 2018 in Paris, he requested the perpetual criminal imprisonment, leaving the jury the choice to match or not this twenty-two years of security.
against his coaccusé, Alex Carrimbacus, 25 years old, of which Jean-Christophe Muller believes that he “is neither an accomplice nor co-author of the murder”, but involved in “contamination”, he requests eighteen years of imprisonment, adding that the aggravating qualification of anti-Semitism “is also attributable to it”. Finally, against Zulikha Khellaf, 59, the mother of Mihoub, referred to the Court of Assize for “destruction of evidence”, the magistrate required three years firm, the maximum penalty incurred for this offense.
After ten days of audience, where, in what he called “noise and fury”, the question of anti-Semitism held the center of the debates, the Advocate General went to the jury : “Let’s start with reflections that go beyond the noise and fury.” And invite the new jurors to follow him in his journey. “In this case, there is no question of confrontation, or even conflagration, between two universes that should never have met,” he notes. Far from there. The victim and the accused lived in the same society, the same building, shared similar socio-economic conditions and similar existence. Thus is not it in a conflict of interest between two universes that everything would oppose. “This is the main source of the teachings that will have to be drawn from this file,” he suggests. After having lived in good neighborhood for so many years, the day of the drama has arrived. “
“The law has integrated the notions of anti-Semitism”
That’s what it is important to analyze “so that this trial serves something”. The manifestations of anti-Semitism within the French society do not date today, underlines the magistrate. And to remember that through the history of France, the status of the Jews and the recognition of this religion have been the subject of regulations, decrees and laws as diverse as opposed. To support its demonstration, the magistrate evokes the discriminatory rules concerning the Jews of Alsace stated by Louis XVI in 1784, the Cremious Decree which in 1870 ex officio attributes to the Jews of Algeria French nationality, the anti-curful government laws. De Vichy in 1940 and, finally, the speech of the President of the Republic Jacques Chirac, fifty-five years later, on July 16, 1995, in commemoration of the 53 e anniversary of the raid of the vé ‘ HIV.
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