Monday morning, a 37-year-old Algerian national hit two agents aboard a police vehicle.
Le Monde with AFP
Three persons from the author of the author of the knife aggression of a police crew before the Office of the Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes) were arrested, a source close to the file, Tuesday November 9th. “These are close, one of the people worked for him and another housed it,” said a police source, stating that the abuser had “a small masonry company”. “We are trying to understand the motivations of the author of the facts,” said this police source, confirming information from France azure.
Monday, at 6:30, a 37-year-old Algerian citizen hit two of the four agents on board a police vehicle. They were not injured, protected by their bulletproof vests. The attack took place on the car park of the Commissariat of Cannes. The crew was getting out of patrol when he was attacked by man, according to the first elements of the investigation.
A policeman has been struck several times with the weapon. Bypassing the vehicle, the aggressor took place at a policeman also wearing several knife shots. According to the Grasse floor, the aggressor was finally “neutralized” by a third police officer who fired. A fourth agent in the cockpit pulled, meanwhile, through the vehicle glass.
The abuser would have mentioned “the prophet”, but the terrorist track is for the moment removed: the investigation was opened for “assassination attempt on officials of the National Police”, said the prosecutor of the Republic of Grasse in a statement, Monday night.
“No radicalization element” found at home
reaches twice with the response shots of one of the police officers aboard the vehicle, the aggressor was transferred to the Nice Hospital Center, where he was still supported by a surgical team Monday night, but “his Vital prognosis [was] not engaged, “said this press release.
Always according to the Grasse floor, the search at home cannois of the aggressor “did not highlight any elements of radicalization or adherence to a jihadist organization”; The man was “totally unknown to intelligence services”, as announced in the morning of Monday the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, come on the spot.
The aggressor was “inscribed in any radicalization file,” he insisted, speaking of “a gentleman who worked, (…) in good standing on the national territory”. This man, “who has an Algerian passport” and “an Italian residence permit”, “requested a resident card in France,” Darmanin said. It would have arrived in Europe in 2009 or 2010, then in France around 2016, from Italy, where he was still staying regularly. The national anti-terrorist floor has not grabbed but at this stage an observer role.