A resident of Belarus was sentenced to two years in prison and a penalty for publishing in Telegram. The woman worked as a teacher at a local school and raises two children. The results of the consideration of the criminal case reports the human rights center “Spring”.
Citizal of Belarus Irina Myshina was arrested on August 23 at the request of the police officer of the city of Ropot for publications in the Telegram channel “Mozyr 97”, which Belarusian authorities previously recognized extremist. A woman was charged on two points of the Criminal Code of Belarus: Article 342 “Organization and preparation of actions, roughly violating public order, or an active part in them” and part 2 Article 203 “illegal actions regarding private life information and personal data.”
The court sentenced the mother of two minors, seven and fifteen years, to two years of the colony of the general regime and fine in 1450 Belarusian rubles (42.3 thousand Russian rubles).
Court meetings were held in closed mode. The first went on October 26, and then there was a break in the case. Human rights activists are unknown, whether the defendant will file appeal.
Earlier in the Nesvizhsky district of the country for three years, the restrictions of freedom were condemned by a man for likes under publications about the police and the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko.